pork spare ribs(3lb)-back rib is better
green onion(2), onion(half), garlic(10), black pepper corn(12) potato(3), perilla leaves (20), napa cabbage(1,1/2cups), perilla seeds(3TBS), salt(up to you)
[4 marinade]
chilli powder(4TBS), ground garlic(2TBS)
soy sauce(2TBS), mirin(2TBS),
Korean soybean paste(DOENJANG)(2TBS),
sugar(1ts), ground ginger(1/2TBS)
In Korea, I usually eat this with some alcohol^^*. Most of people say this stew is good with SOJU, but I like it with beer. GAM JA means a potato in Korean. This is named "GAM JA" TANG, but pork is larger part than potatos in this. Actually pork back ribs is for the stew, however... I use pork spare ribs at this time(It was ON SALE~~. I had NO choice ^_^).
First of all, we need sock a pork ribs in water for taking out BLOOD~ for 2 hours.(Change water 3 or 4 times and use cool water)
Ready? Put pork ribs in boiling water. BOILING~ BOILING~? Change water. If you want clear stew, please, clean your pot(I did). Can you see how diffrent between two below photos? You need some ingredients for 2nd time.